Private Reprimand and Order of Additional Education of a Justice of the Peace (6/6/18)


The judge’s conduct cast public discredit upon the judiciary when he consumed alcoholic beverages at a public event and placed himself in a position where it appeared to law enforcement officers that he was publicly intoxicated.  Further, the judge failed to exhibit the patience, dignity, and courtesy expected of a judicial officer while engaged in his official duties when he made inappropriate comments during a telephone conversation with a Sheriff’s deputy.  Finally, the judge lent the prestige of his judicial office to advance the private interests of another county officer when he made a public endorsement for her re-election by co-hosting a joint campaign event with her.  [Violation of Canons 2A, 2B, 3B(4) and 5(2) of the Texas Code of Judicial Conduct and Article V, Section 1-a(6)A of the Texas Constitution.]  Private Reprimand and Order of Additional Education of a Justice of the Peace.  06/06/18.