FY 2000-Present Summaries of Private Sanctions

Private Reprimand and Order of Additional Education of a Justice of the Peace (4/9/21)


The judge failed to comply with the law and maintain professional competence in the law, failed to accord a person having a legal interest in a proceeding before him the right to be heard according...

Private Order of Additional Education of a County Court at Law Judge (4/1/21)


The judge failed to maintain professional competence in the law when she entered an order of dismissal for want of prosecution in a case despite no party seeking affirmative relief in the matter ha...

Private Warning and Order of Additional Education of a District Court Judge


The judge commented publicly about a matter pending in her court in a manner which could suggest to a reasonable person her probable decision regarding such matter, and engaged in social media acti...

Private Warning and Order of Additional Education of a Justice of the Peace (3/22/21)


The judge failed to comply with the law and to maintain professional competence in the law when he failed to obtain the judicial education and assistance necessary to properly preside over a civil ...

Private Reprimand and Order of Additional Education of a County Court at Law Judge (2/25/21)


The judge failed to comply with the law and to maintain professional competence in the law, and failed to afford a litigant in a civil proceeding the right to be heard according to law, when he fai...

Private Warning of a Former Associate District Court Judge (12/4/20)


The judge lent the prestige of his judicial office to advance his own private interests, knowingly or recklessly misrepresented his identity, qualifications, present position, or other fact concern...

Private Admonition of a District Court Judge (12/4/20)


The judge engaged in improper ex parte communications when he proceeded with a hearing on a motion to modify judgment, and invited argument from defendant’s counsel, who made their arguments, despi...

Private Admonition of a Former County Judge (12/4/20)


The judge created an appearance of impropriety, specifically, the appearance that he lent the prestige of his judicial office to advance the private interests of the judge or others, when he attend...