Honorable Santos Benavides

 Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2, Laredo, Webb County, Texas
 CJC Nos. 04-0513-JP and 04-0514-JP

Honorable Ken Reilly

 Presiding Municipal Court Judge, Montgomery, Montgomery County, Texas
 CJC No. 04-0360-MU

Private Order of Additional Education of a Justice of the Peace (09/09/04)


The judge failed to maintain an accurate bookkeeping and accounting system in his court and failed to timely and properly account for and deposit monies collected by his court, indicating a lack of...

Private Warning and Order of Additional Education of a Justice of the Peace (09/09/04)


The judge’s actions regarding the adjudication of a defendant’s case, particularly his telephone call to the defendant requesting her to appear before him and his actions in reducing an assault cha...

Private Warning and Order of Additional Education of a Justice of the Peace (08/31/04)


The judge’s actions and suggestions regarding the administration of corporal punishment by parents to their children constituted willful or persistent conduct that cast public discredit upon the ju...

Private Order of Additional Education of a Retired District Judge (08/31/04)


The judge failed to obtain the required hours of mandatory judicial education for fiscal year 2003, as required by Rule 2a(2) of the Texas Rules of Judicial Education. [Violation of Canon 3B(2) of ...

Private Admonition of a District Judge (08/31/04)


The judge sent an e-mail to various individuals, including other judges and attorneys, soliciting donations for the Multiple Sclerosis Society. The judge’s name and title appear in the heading of ...

Private Reprimand of a Justice of the Peace (07/14/04)


The judge used the prestige of his judicial office to instigate a groundless, or bad-faith, criminal investigation of the constable by alleging that the constable committed perjury by making an aff...