FY 2000-Present Summaries of Private Sanctions

Private Warning and Order of Additional Education of a Justice of the Peace (11/28/03)


The judge improperly adjudicated a matter in which her husband was the defendant, and subsequently adjudicated a matter in which a defendant was an employee of business in which the judge has an ow...

Private Warning and Order of Additional Education of a Justice of the Peace (11/28/03)


The judge inappropriately adjudicated a matter in which his grandson was the defendant. Additionally, the judge, on an infrequent basis, set bonds over the telephone. [Violation of Canons 2B, 3B(...

Private Order of Additional Education of a County Judge (10/21/03)


The judge made inappropriate comments toward a county employee who worked under his direct supervision causing that employee to file a sexual harassment claim against the judge. [Violation of Cano...

Private Admonition of a Justice of the Peace (10/21/03)


The judge failed to accord an attorney and her client a hearing in a small claims suit for more than a year, despite repeated requests in writing and by telephone for him to provide a hearing in th...

Private Warning of a Justice of the Peace (10/21/03)


The judge misused the powers of his judicial office by causing a fictitious notice to a County Commissioner, a critic of how the judge ran his court administratively, leading the Commissioner to be...

Private Warning of a Justice of the Peace (08/25/03)


In one matter, a driver attempted to resolve a traffic ticket in the judge’s court by entering a plea of no contest with a request for deferred adjudication, and by paying the requisite fine and fe...

Private Admonition of a Municipal Court Judge (08/25/03)


In resolving a matter involving the failure to show proof of liability insurance, where the defendant subsequently timely provided such proof to the court, the judge charged a $35 “insurance dismis...

Private Warning of a Justice of the Peace, (8/25/03)


The judge, while traveling on a state highway at nighttime with his family, chased, stopped, and arrested another motorist based on his perception that the motorist had committed a traffic offense,...