FY 2000-Present Summaries of Private Sanctions

Private Warning and Order of Additional Education of a Justice of the Peace (07/22/08)


After the judge granted the plaintiff’s request for transfer of venue, he failed to follow through with the transfer of the case to the other court, located just across the hall. The judge further ...

Private Warning and Order of Additional Education of a Justice of the Peace (07/22/08).


Although the judge agreed to accept the transfer of the plaintiff’s small claims case, he unreasonably delayed the resolution of the case, denied the litigant his right to be heard, and denied the ...

Private Warning and Order of Additional Education of a Justice of the Peace (07/21/08).


The judge issued an arrest warrant for an individual based on information provided to her by a private citizen rather than by law enforcement. The judge then magistrated the individual the day aft...

Private Warning of a Justice of the Peace (05/29/08).


After her vehicle was repossessed, a neighbor asked the judge to become personally involved in her dispute with the seller. On the neighbor’s behalf, the judge wrote a letter, on judicial letterhea...

Private Admonition of a County Probate Court Judge. (05/05/08)


The judge favored his court investigator and his personal accountant with court appointments to a guardianship matter pending in his court. The judge continued to preside over the probate matter du...

Private Warning and Order of Additional Education of a Justice of the Peace. (05/05/08)


After learning that his nephew had been arrested, the judge went to the jail, rescinded the bond set by the magistrate, and ordered the release of his nephew from jail on a personal recognizance bo...

Agreed Private Reprimand of a Former County Court at Law Judge. (05/03/08)


As a result of a personal relationship with an attorney involved in a case pending before his court, the judge used his position to advance the attorney’s private interests, allowed the attorney to...

Private Order of Additional Education of a Justice of the Peace. (04/07/08)


After the defendant failed to answer a small claims action filed against him, the plaintiff requested a default judgment and asked for a hearing to determine his claim for unliquidated damages. Pr...