Private Warning and Order of Additional Education of a District Court Judge (6/6/18)


The judge failed to exhibit the patience, dignity, and courtesy expected of a judicial officer while engaged in his official duties, and exhibited bias and prejudice against women at his workplace ...

Hon. Carbett J. ("Trey") Duhon III

 Waller County Judge
 CJC No. 17-1259-CO

Public Warning

Private Warning and Order of Additional Education of a District Court Judge (6/6/18)


The judge lent the prestige of his judicial office to advance the private interests of his court administrator and her family, failed to comply with the law and maintain professional competence in ...

Private Reprimand and Order of Additional Education of a Justice of the Peace (6/6/18)


The judge’s conduct cast public discredit upon the judiciary when he consumed alcoholic beverages at a public event and placed himself in a position where it appeared to law enforcement officers th...

Hon. Christopher Lee

 Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3, Riviera, Kleberg County, Texas
 CJC No. 17-0469-JP

Amended Public Warning and Order of Additional Education

Hon. Leonel Lopez

 Rio Grande City Municipal Court, Rio Grande City, Starr County, Texas
 CJC Nos. 16-0513-MU and 16-0540-MU

Public Reprimand

Private Admonition of a District Court Judge (4/18/18)


The judge exhibited bias and prejudice in the performance of judicial duties on the basis of religion and/or sexual orientation when he addressed a jury panel regarding the United States Supreme Co...

Private Admonition and Order of Additional Education of a Justice of the Peace (4/18/18)


The judge failed to comply with the law, failed to maintain professional competence in the law, and improperly failed to recuse himself in two criminal traffic cases he personally witnessed when he...