FY 2000-Present Summaries of Private Sanctions

Private Warning of a Justice of the Peacee


The judge lent the prestige of judicial office to advance the private interest of another and conducted an extra-judicial activity in a manner that case reasonable doubt on the judge’s capacity to ...

Private Admonition and Order of Additional Education of a Criminal Magistrate


The judge made statements in his campaign materials which that created the impression the judge was making a pledge or promise of conduct in office regarding pending or impending cases, specific cl...

Private Reprimand and Order of Additional Education of a Municipal Court Judge (4/15/24).


The judge failed to comply with the law and maintain professional competence in the law when the judge failed to obtain the mandatory judicial education hours for the 2022-2023 Academic Year. [Viol...

Private Reprimand of a Justice of the Peace (12/20/23).


The judge lent the prestige of judicial office to advance the judge’s private interest and the client during the judge’s legal representation of the client in a small claims case. [Violation of Can...

Private Admonition of a Former District Court Judge


Application of Writ of Habeas Corpus and Motion for DNA testing in a criminal case, and failed to provide the defendant’s attorney the opportunity to be heard before the judge signed the order deny...

Private Admonition of a County Court at Law Judge


The judge failed to comply with the law when the judge operated a motor vehicle while intoxicated. [Violation of Canon 2A of the Texas Code of Judicial Conduct and Article V, Section 1-a(6)A of the...

Private Warning of a County Court at Law Judge (6/21/23)


The judge failed to be patient, dignified and courteous toward a court reporter regarding the court reporter’s resignation from employment in the judge’s court. [Violation of Canon 3B(4) of the Tex...

Private Reprimand and Order of Additional Education of a Justice of the Peace (6/21/23)


The judge engaged in willful and persistent conduct that cast public discredit upon the judiciary and the administration of justice when the judge made public statements that appeared to denigrate ...