FY 2000-Present Summaries of Private Sanctions

Private Admonition of a Criminal Law Hearing Officer (1/12/22)


The judge made comments during a probable cause hearing that created the appearance of partiality on her part towards the defendant and could be perceived as addressing matters not properly before ...

Private Admonition and Order of Additional Education of a County Court at Law Judge (1/12/22)


The judge initiated an improper ex parte communication with a litigant and conducted her extra-judicial activities in a manner that cast reasonable doubt on her capacity to act impartially as a jud...

Private Warning and Order of Additional Education of a Justice of the Peace (12/8/21)


The judge failed to comply with and maintain professional competence in the law, and engaged in willful conduct that was clearly inconsistent with the proper performance of his duties and cast publ...

Private Admonition of a Former Municipal Court Judge (12/8/21)


The judge failed to treat all defendants appearing before him with the patience, dignity and courtesy required of a judge with respect to those with whom he deals in an official capacity, when he m...

Private Warning and Order of Additional Education of a Justice of the Peace (12/8/21)


The judge failed to comply with and maintain professional competence in the law, and failed to treat a Constable with the patience, dignity and courtesy required of a judge with respect to those wi...

Private Warning and Order of Additional Education of a Justice of the Peace (12/8/21)


The judge failed to comply with and maintain professional competence in the law, and failed to treat a Constable with the patience, dignity and courtesy required of a judge with respect to those wi...

Private Admonition and Order of Additional Education of a Justice of the Peace (11/2/21)


The judge lent the prestige of judicial office to advance the privates interests of himself or others and authorized the public use of his name endorsing other candidates for public office by when ...

Private Warning of an Appellate Justice (10/29/21)


The judge violated the prohibitions against testifying voluntarily as a character witness and lent the prestige of judicial office to advance the private interests of others in doing so, when she v...